Saturday, January 24, 2015

About Cancer: Making the Emergency Room Safe for Cancer Patients

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Types of Cancer A - Z



From Peter Edelstein, MD, your Guide to Cancer
Making the Emergency Room Safe for Cancer Patients
Emergency rooms are supposed to be the safest places to go when you really need help. But for cancer patients, the ER can pose special dangers.
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A Simple, Powerful New Year’s Resolution: Get Screened for Cancer
For New Year's Resolutions this year, how about committing to simple cancer screening tests that may benefit you for years to come!

Cancer is the Leading Cause of Disease-Related Death in Young Adults?
Most people, and many physicians, don't realize that cancer is the leading cause of disease-related death in adolescents & young adults.
Search Related Topics:  cancer  young adults  adolescents

It’s the Holiday Season, So Go Shopping! But Not for A Doctor.
If you find yourself going to doctor after doctor after doctor, chances are that you're looking for a treatment which will not be best for you.

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This newsletter is written by:
Peter Edelstein, MD
Cancer Guide
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Must Reads
Understanding What Cancer Is and How Cancer Develops
6 Cancer Symptoms You Might Not Know About
6 Ways to Ruin Your Doctor's Appointment
More than Chemo: 4 Different Ways to Treat Cancer
The Top 10 Lifestlye Changes to Help Prevent Cancer
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