Wednesday, January 21, 2015

About Sexuality: Why I Love Premature Ejaculation

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From Cory Silverberg, your Guide to Sexuality
There is a race by pharmaceutical companies to see who will be the first to market with a drug to treat premature ejaculation.  If those drugs work anything like Viagra I’m sure there will be a lot of sales, and a lot of disappointed but silent users.  I was thinking about the way these drugs are setting out to eradicate premature ejaculation altogether and realized there are some things I’d miss about PE. ~  Cory


Why I Love Premature Ejaculation
Counterintuitive though they may seem, there are some pretty compelling reasons to like, nay, to love, premature ejaculation.  Here are my top two.
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Who Defines Premature?
Who puts the premature in the premature ejaculation?  No one seems to agree, although researchers and clinicians are trying their best.  It’s the disagreement about this question that I think is the most interesting part of most debates on premature ejaculation.


Learning to Control PE
One reason to love it is that if you’ve got it, you get to learn to control it, which includes a lot of what they call secondary gain.
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What You Need to Know About Online Viagra
You know what they say about things that are too good to be true?  This is one of them.
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