Tuesday, January 6, 2015

About Smoking Cessation: Questions and Answers About the First Week of Smoking Cessation

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Smoking Cessation

Health Risks

How to Quit

After Quitting

From Terry Martin, your Guide to Smoking Cessation

There is no doubt that smoking cessation is a challenge for nearly everyone, especially early on.  That said, there are tactics we can use to defeat those junkie thoughts rolling through our minds once we quit, and that is what this week's newsletter is about. 

Arm yourself with knowledge and you'll find that you can manage the ups and downs that come with nicotine withdrawal.

Have a grateful week, all.

Join us at the About.com Smoking Cessation support forum

Questions and Answers About the First Week of Smoking Cessation
Common questions about the first week of smoking cessation, with answers from successful ex-smokers.

12 Ways to Relieve Insomnia When You Quit
Insomnia is a common side effects of quitting smoking. These tips will help you weather this phase of smoking cessation more easily.
Search Related Topics:  insomnia  nicotine withdrawal  quit smoking tips

5 Minute Craving Busters
The first days of smoking cessation can feel like one long, nonstop craving to smoke. Pay close attention though, and you'll notice that most cigarette cravings last 3-5 minutes.

Getting Past The First Year - Cory's Story
For those of you just staring out, a year may feel like forever, but invest yourself in the process and you'll be rewarded for a lifetime.

Related Searches
Featured Articles
Smoking Cessation is a Process - Dee's Story
10 Tips for Success with Your Quit - Leo's Story
3 Essential Ingredients for Your Quit Program - Terry's Story
A Message to Those Who "Can't" Quit - Walt's Story
Confessions of a Closet Smoker - Kay's Storyhttp://quitsmoking.about.com/od/antismokingresources/Tobacco_Research_and_Reform_Information_and_Resources.htm
Freedom after 40 Years - Nenejune's Story


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This newsletter is written by:
Terry Martin
Smoking Cessation Guide
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