Wednesday, November 12, 2014

About Low Fat Cooking: Thanksgiving the Low Fat Way

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From Fiona Haynes, your Guide to Low Fat Cooking
Many of the foods we eat at Thanksgiving are perfectly healthy. For example, turkey breast is a good source of lean protein, and sweet potatoes are full of vitamin A and a good source of fiber. But of course, it's often what we add to these kinds of foods that gets us into dietary trouble. With a few tweaks here and there, you can enjoy all the good foods of Thanksgiving but with less fat and fewer calories.
A Low Fat Thanksgiving
When you have a holiday that's centered on food, it might seem daunting to those who need or want to eat low fat. Fear not. There are many ways in which you can feast without blowing your fat and calorie budget.


Your Low Fat Menu for Thanksgiving
Here's a menu the whole family can enjoy this Thanksgiving, featuring all the kinds of food you would expect at a typical Thanksgiving table, only with less fat and fewer calories.

Low Fat Desserts for the Holidays
Dessert can definitely stay on the menu this Thanksgiving with these lower-fat versions of some yummy traditional holiday offerings.

Low Cost, Low Fat Holidays
When the holidays come around, it's easy to spend a small fortune on food, and with Thanksgiving and Christmas barely a month apart, that can put a heavy strain on your food budget. so here are some ways to enjoy a slimmed down holiday feast in both dietary and financial terms.

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Holiday and Seasonal Recipes
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Lowering the Fat in Pumpkin Pie


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Fiona Haynes
Low Fat Cooking Guide
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