Saturday, November 29, 2014

About Cancer: Should You Participate in a Clinical Trial?

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Types of Cancer A - Z



From Peter Edelstein, MD, your Guide to Cancer
Should You Participate in a Clinical Trial?
For many cancer patients, participation in a clinical trial is a challenging decision. Learn how to best find the best answer for you.
Search Related Topics:  clinical trials  cancer research 

If You Have or Had Cancer, Protect Yourself from a Real Viral Threat
While there's a fear frenzy about Ebola, both cancer patients & survivors are at real risk from the seasonal flu virus. Fortunately, it's preventable.
Search Related Topics:  american cancer society  flu shots  flu vaccine

Battling Cancer? Empower Yourself with This Knowledge.
A diagnosis of cancer shouldn't mean you turn over all decisions to "experts." Learn the basics that empower you to play an active role in your care.

Your Post-Thyroidectomy Diet
If you are having a thyroidectomy, you may be concerned about your diet following the procedure. As many of you know, my husband is being treated for thyroid

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More about Cancer
Childhood Cancer
Men's Cancers
Women's Cancers
Celebrities and Cancer
Cancer patients & survivors need the flu shot.


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This newsletter is written by:
Peter Edelstein, MD
Cancer Guide
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Must Reads
What Exactly Is Cancer?
6 Possible Cancer Symptoms That Shouldn't Be Ignored
6 Ways to Ruin Your Doctor's Appointment
More than Chemo: 4 Different Ways to Treat Cancer
The Top 10 Ways to Help Prevent Cancer
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About Pregnancy: Best Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Parody Videos

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Am I Pregnant?

Pregnancy Basics


From Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE, your Guide to Pregnancy
Best Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Parody Videos
A look at some of the most hilarious pregnancy videos ever made - though the videos are more fun than educational, there is still a lesson to be learned.

10 Twin Boy Name Combinations
Having two boys? Here's a list of names to help you jump start your search for the perfect boy-boy twin combination.

Most Popular Pins from Last Month
Looking for the best pins of last month? Here are the ones that our users loved the best. Some are more obvious, like those that related closely to Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month, while the rest were a nice smattering of various topics to help keep one entertained and learn.

Survive a Party While Pregnant
Parties are pretty common this time of year, but that doesn't make them easy when you're pregnant - plenty of food, and drink you should avoid. Here are some pointers.

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Baby Showers
Baby Names
Feeding Your Baby
Baby Shower Cakes


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An every-morning rundown of the day in history, headlines and trends produced by your pals at Please sign up it's free (of course), we think you will like it!

This newsletter is written by:
Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE
Pregnancy Guide
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1500 Broadway, 6th Floor
New York, NY, 10036

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Must Reads
Pregnancy Calendar
Boy or Girl?
Due Date Calculator
25 Signs of Pregnancy
Am I Pregnant?
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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Living With Cancer Newsletter

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Living With Cancer Mayo Clinic named America's #1 Best
Hospital by U.S. News & World Report
November 27, 2014
Press the pause button and connect with your heart
This holiday season, make a personal connection by turning off the technology.
Chemotherapy side effects after treatment is done
Get the facts about late effects — chemotherapy side effects that last after you've finished treatment or new ones that emerge.
Mayo Clinic Book of Alternative Medicine
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