Monday, May 23, 2016

What Can You Eat if You Have Diabetes?

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What Can You Eat if You Have Diabetes?
By Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE
It's the million dollar question I get all the time: "What can I eat if I have diabetes or am trying to lose weight." There are many food myths circulating the internet or perhaps even within your group of friends. For example, some people believe you must avoid all carbohydrates if you are trying to lose weight or have diabetes. This means you many not be able to eat some of your favorite foods, such as fruit. This is simply not true. Learn the facts about whether or not you should eat some common food choices. 
Can People with Diabetes Eat Pineapple? 
Pineapple is a sweet fruit with some great health benefits. It is a myth that people with diabetes need to avoid fruit. Fruit is a healthy food choice - it contains vitamins, minerals, and fiber. People with diabetes can eat fruit, but they must watch how much they eat because all fruit contains carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the macronutrient that impacts blood sugars the most. There are certain fruits that maybe better for people with diabetes than others...
Apples and Apple Cider Vinegar - What are the Health Benefits? 

Numerous studies have shown that high intakes of fruits and vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, as well as improve blood glucose control and lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes...

Diabetes and Plantains - How to Eat Them 
Plantains are a staple in many tropical cultures, such as the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.  They are also found in some African, Asian, and Indian cuisines. In appearance, plantains resemble bananas, but are larger in size, harder to peel and taste less sweet. Plantains are naturally low in...
Is Agave Nectar OK for People with Diabetes? 
Agave nectar (or syrup) from the agave plant is commonly used by people with diabetes and others that are interested in health and nutrition as an alternative sweetener. Many people use it because they believe it has a lower glycemic index...
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