Friday, August 28, 2015

The Best of Summer From About Yoga

There are still a few yoga festivals to attend and road trips to take before we close the door on summer 2015. As you squeeze the last few drops of goodness out of summer, let's take a look back at the highlights from About Yoga. 
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The Best of Summer From About Yoga
There are still a few yoga festivals to attend and road trips to take before we close the door on summer 2015. As you squeeze the last few drops of goodness out of summer, let's take a look back at the highlights from About Yoga. 
Ann Pizer
Yoga Expert
Road Trip Yoga
7 Yoga Poses That Will Save Your Road Trip  

As you wend your way home from your summer road trip, make sure to practice these poses to keep your back happy and sciatica at bay. Oh, and improve the mood of everyone in the car.

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Yoga Festival Clothing
What to Pack for Yoga Festivals  
Bhakti Fest and Yoga Journal LIVE events are still on the horizon, as well as many local festivals. Our guide to what to pack will have you prepared for the fun.
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Yoga Crunches With a Block
Yoga Crunch Alternatives  

A strong core is a must for all seasons. Change up your gym or yoga routine with these alternatives to traditional crunches that integrate your lower body.

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Yoga Class in Downward Facing Dog
Yoga Misses You and Wants You Back  

If you took the summer off, now's the time to get back into your yoga practice. Here are four strategies to help you combat inertia and start yoga again.

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