Taking Control of Your Diabetes Can Save Your Life | By Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE | Many times people ignore their diabetes. They think because they don't necessarily "feel different" that their elevated blood sugars aren't doing any damage. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why millions of people are walking around with diabetes and don't know it. But, like elevated blood pressure, diabetes can be a silent killer. If you don't take care of it, having uncontrolled diabetes for a length of time can lead to serious complications. Learn about the complications of diabetes and how to get on track to get your blood sugars on target. Taking your diabetes seriously is very important. You can start today. | |
Signs of Complications of Diabetes  | Diabetes is a progressive and chronic disease. The good news is that people living with diabetes are living longer than they did in the past but the bad news is that the complications of diabetes can still greatly affect your health and your well-being. There are many things you can do to stay healthy and live longer with diabetes... | | | |
Thing You Must Know to Manage Your Diabetes  | Were you recently diagnosed with and put on medicine without being told how and when to take it? Or perhaps you have had diabetes for a long time and just started insulin, but no one taught you where to inject it or when? Or maybe you are someone who has been ruled to be "non-compliant" with your diabetes medicines and instead of asking you why you are not taking your medicine, medical staff just continue to add on more medicine, only to yield the same result? If any of these situations sound familiar... | | | |
Are You Taking Your Diabetes Seriously? You Should - Here's How  | Not attending to your diabetes or ignoring signs and symptoms can result in serious consequences. Overtime, elevated blood sugar can affect the nerves of the eyes, heart, kidneys and feet. People with Type 2 diabetes, particularly uncontrolled diabetes,are also at... | | | |
Learn the Key Concepts to a Successful Diabetes Eating Plan  | There term diabetic diet is a thing of the past. Nowadays, people with diabetes do not have any strange food restrictions the way we once thought. It's not necessary to avoid fruit, eat zero carbohydrates or buy diet food. But, what we do know is that individualized meal plans that are fiber rich and modified in carbohydrates work best for those persons with diabetes. We also know... | | | |
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