Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Using Low-Impact Exercises to Lower Your Lipids

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Using Low-Impact Exercises to Lower Your Lipids

 Even though most studies have examined aerobic exercises to lower your cholesterol, there is some evidence that suggests low impact exercises - such as yoga or stretching - can also be effective. This newsletter will show you how low impact exercises can affect your cholesterol and ways to include these - and other exercises - in your cholesterol-lowering health plan.  

Can Tai Chi Lower Cholesterol Levels?

There is evidence from studies that suggest Tai Chi can be beneficial for your cholesterol levels -- and your heart.

Low Impact Exercise and Cholesterol

Good news for those of you that have a difficult time performing aerobic or other high-intensity exercises: low impact exercises are also effective in lowering your cholesterol. Find out which ones are most effective and how often they need to be done in order to see the cholesterol-lowering benefits.

Can Yoga Help Keep Your Cholesterol Levels Healthy?

 For centuries, yoga has been known for its healthy benefits. Studies also suggest that yoga may be used to help keep your cholesterol levels healthy. This article will tell you about yoga and how it affects your cholesterol.

Constructing Your Own Cholesterol-Lowering Exercise Program

 Thinking about using exercise to help lower your cholesterol? If so, why not start with a plan for your personal exercise program. Starting your own exercise routine is easy, especially if you follow these simple steps.

Easy Ways You Can Fit Exercise into Your Day
A Beginner's Guide to Pilates
What You Need to Know About Lifting Weights
Walking 30 Day Quick Start Guide
Beginning an Exercise Plan When You Have Heart Disease
Finding Time To Exercise To Lower Your Cholesterol
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