Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How To Spring Clean Your Yoga Mat

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How To Spring Clean Your Yoga Mat

If you're a dedicated yogi, your mat may get a little scuzzy on occasion. You'll want to be careful how you clean it though, since putting the wrong kind of cleanser on your beloved mat can damage it. 

How to Clean Your Yoga Mat
I actually like a little patina of wear on my mats so I go easy on the cleaning. Get my recommendations for the best way to clean PVC, rubber, composite, and TPE mats. And at all costs avoid the mystery spray bottle at the gym!
Yoga Mat Owner's Manual

Did your mat come with an owner's manual? Neither did mine, so I put together a little guide on how to pick out, purchase, and care for your mat. 

Yogitoes Skidless Towel Review
Walk into a vinyasa-style yoga class these days, and you will see a lot of brightly colored Yogitoes Skidless towels adorning the mats around the room. What are these towels for and do you need one?


Can You Really Sweat Out Toxins?

If you have to wring out your yoga mat after practice you may be under the impression that you're sweating toxins from your body. But is that really the case? 

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