Monday, June 27, 2016

Get Prepared for the Tastiest 4th of July

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Get Prepared for the Tastiest 4th of July
By Barbie Cervoni, RD, CDE

The 4th of July is just around the corner, which means you'll probably be hitting a party or a barbecue. If you are "dieting" you can still enjoy your weekend. Learn about some great appetizers, how to enjoy your favorite foods and beverages and which foods are the most nutritious and delicious. Enjoy the weekend - you deserve it. 

Load up on These Guiltless Appetizers 
It's a holiday weekend, which means you probably have some barbecues and parties lined up. If you have diabetes, prediabetes or are just trying to watch your weight, its a good idea to have a game plan for the weekend. The good news is that if you are hosting, you have more control over what is being served and will be less tempted to deviate from your plan. But, if you are not hosting, you can always bring something that you know will be good for you to eat...
Have Your Corn and Eat it Too 
Sweet corn is indicative of summer - most often it's a staple food at barbecues and outdoor cookouts. And rightfully so - not only is it delicious, it's good for you too. In fact, fresh sweet corn is rich in vitamin C, magnesium, B vitamins and carotenoids, such as leutin, and zeaxanthin. Corn contains very little fat, less than 1g per serving (without toppings), and is a good source of fiber, clocking in around 3g per half cup...
Best Barbecue Bites and Beverages 
The 4th of July is a wonderful time to get together with family and friends and enjoy the summer season with a festive barbecue. If you are someone with Type 2 diabetes, though, you may be dreading the affair because of the temptation to indulge. The good news is that you can enjoy your family barbecue without having your diabetes spiral out of control...
Learn How to Find Joy in Healthy Eating 
One of the most important components of diabetes education and management is what you eat. Healthy eating can help you to meet blood sugar goalslose weight, and prevent complications of diabetes. The best diet plans are those that are individualized to meet a person's likes, dislikes, culture, schedule, and, most importantly, to improve overall health. It sounds easy, but often isn't. Changing your diet can require additional planning...
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Do You Have PCOS Symptoms? This Quiz Will Tell You.
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How "Type A" Are You?
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