Sunday, May 28, 2017

When to Go to the Hospital to Have Your Baby

A huge question on the minds of many pregnant people is when they should go to the hospital to have their baby once labor has started. The truth is, most people get to the hospital too soon. After reviewing these guidelines on when to consider going to the hospital, you'll feel much more confident in making the decision and avoid being sent home from the hospital still pregnant.
Stay Calm Mom
Stay Calm Mom
When to Go to the Hospital
A huge question on the minds of many pregnant people is when they should go to the hospital to have their baby once labor has started. After reviewing these guidelines, you'll feel much more confident in making the decision and avoid being sent home from the hospital still pregnant.
How Many Weeks Pregnant Are You? MORE
What Happens Past Your Due Date MORE
Positional Plagiocephaly: Flat Heads MORE
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